Designs have now been finalised for a £2.5 million highways improvement scheme for Whitehaven.

Cumbria County Council is proposing to reconfigure the road junction at Bransty Row / North Shore Road in the town’s North Shore area, which will help to pave the way for our significant new development at North Shore.

Michael Pemberton, CEO at BEC, said: “Modern road infrastructure is vital to the success of any town, and the improvements Cumbria County Council are spearheading will deliver better traffic flow and improve air quality for Whitehaven. The North Shore development we are bringing to fruition with our partners will be supported by first rate road and parking capacity to further enhance its value to the town.”

The county council will be holding public drop-in sessions, where the local community can review the final designs and find out more about the scheme, on the following dates:

Wednesday 17th April, 3pm – 7pm at Tesco Superstore, Bransty Row, Whitehaven
Thursday 18th April, 1pm – 5pm at The Bransty Arch (Wetherspoons), Bransty Row, Whitehaven

Improvement works include:
Introduction of traffic light controls on Bransty Row/North Shore Road junction.
Improved pedestrian crossing points and links between the harbour, the proposed new developments and the town centre’s historic core.
Enhancement of the road junction at Tangier Street/George Street to improve traffic flow and facilitate development.
Relocation and increase in provision for taxis to reflect forecast increased footfall in the area.
Public realm improvements to enhance the gateway into Whitehaven.

David Haughian, Programme Lead for Cumbria County Council, said: “This scheme will not only unlock substantial new investment in Whitehaven but also improve traffic flow and road safety at a key junction. Changes have been made to the original designs, including enhanced provision for cyclists, people with disabilities and the partially sighted, to take account of feedback from the public. The public drop-in sessions next week will give people an opportunity to view the finalised design and find out more about the scheme.”